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Datasheets found :: 1726161
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No.Part NameDescriptionManufacturer
7480129C010TC-2High speed CMOS. 1 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 128K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 150 ns.Turbo IC
7480229C010TC-2High speed 150 ns CMOS 1 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 128K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7480329C010TC-3High speed 200 ns CMOS 1 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 128K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7480429C010TC-3High speed CMOS. 1 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 128K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 200 ns.Turbo IC
7480529C010TI-1High speed CMOS. 1 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 128K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 120 ns.Turbo IC
7480629C010TI-1High speed 120 ns CMOS 1 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 128K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7480729C010TI-2High speed 150 ns CMOS 1 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 128K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7480829C010TI-2High speed CMOS. 1 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 128K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 150 ns.Turbo IC
7480929C010TI-3High speed 200 ns CMOS 1 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 128K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7481029C010TI-3High speed CMOS. 1 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 128K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 200 ns.Turbo IC
7481129C010TM-1High speed 120 ns CMOS 1 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 128K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7481229C010TM-1High speed CMOS. 1 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 128K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 120 ns.Turbo IC
7481329C010TM-2High speed 150 ns CMOS 1 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 128K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7481429C010TM-2High speed CMOS. 1 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 128K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 150 ns.Turbo IC
7481529C010TM-3High speed 200 ns CMOS 1 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 128K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7481629C010TM-3High speed CMOS. 1 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 128K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 200 ns.Turbo IC
7481729C0202-Megabit 256K x 8 5-volt Only CMOS Flash MemoryAtmel
7481829C021JC-1High speed 150 ns CMOS 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 256K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7481929C021JC-1High speed CMOS. 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 256K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 150 ns.Turbo IC

7482029C021JC-2High speed CMOS. 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 256K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 200 ns.Turbo IC
7482129C021JC-2High speed 200 ns CMOS 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 256K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7482229C021JC-3High speed CMOS. 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 256K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 250 ns.Turbo IC
7482329C021JC-3High speed 250 ns CMOS 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 256K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7482429C021JI-1High speed CMOS. 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 256K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 150 ns.Turbo IC
7482529C021JI-1High speed 150 ns CMOS 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 256K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7482629C021JI-2High speed CMOS. 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 256K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 200 ns.Turbo IC
7482729C021JI-2High speed 200 ns CMOS 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 256K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7482829C021JI-3High speed 250 ns CMOS 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 256K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7482929C021JI-3High speed CMOS. 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 256K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 250 ns.Turbo IC
7483029C021JM-1High speed CMOS. 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 256K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 150 ns.Turbo IC
7483129C021JM-1High speed 150 ns CMOS 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 256K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7483229C021JM-2High speed CMOS. 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 256K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 200 ns.Turbo IC
7483329C021JM-2High speed 200 ns CMOS 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 256K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7483429C021JM-3High speed 250 ns CMOS 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 256K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7483529C021JM-3High speed CMOS. 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 256K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 250 ns.Turbo IC
7483629C021PC-1High speed 150 ns CMOS 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 256K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7483729C021PC-1High speed CMOS. 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 256K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 150 ns.Turbo IC
7483829C021PC-2High speed 200 ns CMOS 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM 256K x 8 BIT flash PEROMTurbo IC
7483929C021PC-2High speed CMOS. 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 256K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 200 ns.Turbo IC
7484029C021PC-3High speed CMOS. 2 Megabit programmable and erasable ROM. 256K x 8 bit flash PEROM. Access time 250 ns.Turbo IC

Datasheets found :: 1726161
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